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James Griffiths is a Psychic Medium, Reiki Master, Numerologist and Paranormal Investigator from Widnes Cheshire. James has been using his abilities and experience to investigate the paranormal world for a number of years. For the past 10 of those years James has worked for our newspaper as an on line psychic answering questions from around the world on various subjects from bizarre, heartfelt and paranormal.

James is contacted through this column by clients who need to contact relatives that have passed over to the spirit world and James does consider this part of his life is rewarding as it brings peace to many people who have lost someone.

James's work as a psychic has brought him into the world of ghost hunting and is contacted quite frequently by clients asking can he help with problems at locations that may be haunted. Some clients insist that James help remove the spirit or rescue the spirit from the locations; and in doing this he has visited some of the most haunted locations in the UK and around the world. Although this is different than one to one readings which he does this kind of work brings James closer to his goal, which is helping people understand, that there is another world which anyone can develop a connection with.

As well as seeing private clients for readings, James teaches a number of development classes around the country helping others make that connection with themselves and friends and family who has passes over to the spirit world.

You can put your questions to James below. When James has answered the questions, they will be available to read here.

Northwich Guardian: James Griffiths Blog