ONE can only watch in disbelief as our once great country sinks ever deeper into the mire.

Politicians of every hue try to placate the public as the full horrors of multi-culture become apparent.

Thanks to mass immigration, we are now the most crowded country in Europe. If trends continue, within 20 years we will become the most densely populated country on the planet.

The British people never voted or asked for this to happen, it is all down to treacherous, lying politicians. Research shows we could sustain only 15 million people if we were forced to rely on our own resources, yet our politicians encourage millions more to come and live here.

A migrant baby boom has taken our population to more than 62 million, one doesn’t have to be clever to see what’s happening.

Thousands of acres of prime farmland are being lost in our frantic efforts to house everyone.

Our public services are stretched like never before with the indigenous population losing out.

Our roads are continually gridlocked, millions are permanently on benefits, all social cohesion lost as a mish-mash of races fight for what they can get.

The country’s leading demographers are now telling us that within our children’s lifetime white indigenous people of this land will become minorities in their own country.

Not only is our country being changed beyond recognition, but politicians are using vast amounts of taxpayers’ money to make it happen.

I’m ashamed of being part of a generation where the benefits we receive, or our favourite football team, are more important than the country we live in.

As a nation we are not fit to walk in the footsteps of those who gave everything for their beloved country.

GEORGE MATHER Stubbs Lane Lostock Gralam