WELL Wendy, Letters, January 21) I find it astonishing that almost every week someone is writing letters in about the irresponsibility of we dog owners.

A nice walk in the country is just that, where I’m sure you will have to dodge cow pats in fields with rights of way, sheep droppings, fox droppings, bird droppings etc, etc, etc.

Yes, most of us do carry little plastic bags to clear up behind our dogs (to be honest the dog is doing what he feels is natural). I don’t know whether you ever walk along Whitegate Way, but my wife and I do regularly and often see horse droppings that have not been cleaned up by the horse rider. We never ever seem to hear people moaning about this.

Enjoy your walk out in the country and dodging the mess that animals leave behind them.

Now if you were talking about dog dirt on the pavements I would agree that there are a few irresponsible people who don’t clean it up but I can assure you the majority of us do.

And remember next time you see someone dropping a piece of litter, chewing gum or a cigarette butt then this is just as bad as everything else I’ve mentioned.