WE now learn that Bovis Homes is applying for temporary closure of all PROW ‘s on the site of Beehive Lane.

The two fields are to be enclosed in a six-foot security fence, closing the paths from Beehive Lane to Moulton, Eaton Lane and the back of the bungalows.

Dog walkers and ramblers take note, Bovis is also planning for construction traffic to enter the site via Summer field/Barnside Way.

On March 19, Bovis stated it planned to move one metre of topsoil from the north of the site to the south/west altering the topography of the site.

This will involve large excavation vehicles.

Bovis has told the parish council that the swales will have gentle sides and 30cm of standing water.

The published map shows the swale on the north of the site to be 850 cubic metres and pond 1,100 cubic metres. These are not swales but wide open ditches.

The development is very different from the outline planning permission granted.

Worried resident, Margaret Newton Moulton