ONCE again the dog owners that show no responsibility for their animals make me so mad.

Luckily we were able to avoid the mess that had been left on the path in the park in Queen Street, but not so lucky for the young mum who didn’t see the mess on the footpath in the same street and went through it with her pushchair wheels.

There also seems to be a number of dog owners who still think it is OK to let their dogs off their leads and let them run around the park where children are playing, even though there is a sign that says ‘No Dogs Allowed’.

I have mentioned this before but it seems the issue will not go away until either the sign is made clearer or the owners are more mindful of what their animals are doing.

I can speak from experience about cleaning up after an animal – it isn’t the nicest of things to have to do, but I would never have thought to leave it and I would never have taken my dog through a park where children were playing.

So once again, all you dog owners I ask you to please try to make a bigger effort in taking your dog’s poo home or place into one of the bins provided.

Marjorie Pace