IN an extraordinary coincidence, the speaker’s father had landed on Omaha Beach exactly 70 years to the day, just after D-Day, before his daughter, Rina Tillinger, gave a talk to Acton Bridge WI about the GIs in Britain and her father’s wartime experiences.

With the aid of pictures and a PowerPoint presentation she explained how it was, from her American father’s point of view.

No wonder the American soldiers were so popular in Britain, they were paid so much more than the Brits and could afford to give treats to children and young women!

Her talk was both interesting and amusing and Pat Coates voiced the whole meeting’s thanks for her excellent insights.

The group recently enjoyed a Segway experience at Blakemere Craft Centre and had a wonderful time. So much so, that they plan to go again.

Those who attended the Weaver Vale Group craft day also enjoyed their sessions and one member showed off the necklace and felt brooch that she had made.

Members are also looking forward to the August outing to Llanfairpg and Plas Newydd, sign-up sheets will be available at the July meeting.

The next meeting is on July 8, with speaker Stephen Shakeshaft and his talk entitled “Chester Uncovered”. It sounds mysterious and a meeting not to be missed.

Caroline Young