My aim with this column, is to throw some light on various aspects of mental health and well-being, including covering topics which you bring to my attention.

Continuing on with last week’s theme of low self-esteem, ‘Imposter Syndrome’ is another of those phrases we may hear in the workplace.

We can all have some self-doubts from time to time, it is only natural when encountering a new situation.

However, when we begin to constantly doubt ourselves in a professional capacity, perhaps by constantly questioning our own ability.

Feeling like a fraud in the workplace by comparing ourselves unfavourably to others, then it can self-perpetuate and become a very real problem for some people.

It may lead to feelings of going to get ‘caught out’, when in fact, there is nothing to be caught out for, it is merely our own incorrect feelings of inadequacy.

You may be surprised to learn that even some of the most prominent leaders in industry and commerce doubt themselves from time to time and feel undeserved of their success.

People at the top of their game can actually be plagued with self-doubt.

So, what can you do about it? In contrast to last week, I would suggest you start by listening to other people rather than yourself.

All too often, when we are in a negative frame of mind, which ultimately is a cause of imposter syndrome, we get consumed by our own negativity.

Listen with an open mind and hear what you are being told about your achievements, about the high regard your colleagues hold you in.

Imposter syndrome is when we doubt our own capability despite evidence to the contrary, so look for that evidence and absorb it.

If you find that particularly difficult, then it may be helpful to write down a list of positive past achievements to put them front of mind.

Have a good, long think to yourself of every professional achievement you have made so far, whether it be a promotion you had 10 years ago, when you were employee of the month last year, when you had a favourable appraisal last month.

Whatever achievements they were, no matter how small, do not underestimate them; do not cheat yourself by telling yourself you did not deserve them.

Another common factor with people affected by imposter syndrome is a constant strive for perfectionism – it doesn’t exist, the sooner a person accepts that fact, the sooner they can lower their stress levels, think clearly and move on with their life.

Please note: If you feel you are in a mental health crisis or emergency and feel you may be in danger of causing harm to yourself or others then please contact your GP, The Samaritans on 116 123, text SHOUT to 85258 or attend A&E.

Martin Furber is a therapist qualified in various modalities and an Instructor Member of Mental Health First Aid England