YOUNG footballers in Davenham have been raising awareness of a good cause and raising a few eyebrows into the bargain.

Players and coaches of Davenham Juniors Football Club's U7s squad have been wearing garishly mismatched socks for games this month, in support of World Down Syndrome Day on Thursday, March 21.

Team manager, Lynsay Evans, said the event is relevant to quite a few of the boys who attend Davenham CE Primary School, as they have a classmate, called Emily, who has Down Syndrome.

They know Emily very well and are always ready to lend support if and when she needs it, but apart from that, they make no distinction between her and anyone else in the class.

Lynsay said: “None of the lads questioned why we’re wearing odd socks. Once we explained it was for World Down Syndrome Day, they all just took it for granted it was a good thing to do.  

“When we formed out team, we had to pick a charity to support, and we decided it would be best to choose one they could relate to. That’s not all that easy with six and seven-year-old boys.  

“Of all the option put forward, we though Down Syndrome Cheshire was the best as they’re all friends with Emily. It seemed like a natural choice.

“They were really chuffed about it to be fair.

“The parents, especially those of other teams, have been wondering why we’re all wearing odd socks, but it makes sense quick enough when we tell them.

“So, in terms of raising of awareness, it’s doing exactly what it’s meant to do.”

Lynsay, who’s 38, says she definitely sees a difference in attitudes between ‘her boys’ on the team, and the kids when she was at school

She puts it down to improved attitudes towards inclusive practices.  

“Emily is just another classmate, which is how it should be,” she added.

Down Syndrome Cheshire member support manager, Rebecca Goodier, said: "March 21 was chosen for World Down Syndrome Day as the date itself signifies the uniqueness of the triplication of the 21st chromosome, which causes Down Syndrome.

“Why socks? The idea was created because chromosomes look like socks.  

“People all over the world wear crazy, colourful socks to celebrate World Down Syndrome Day."