PROBLEMS in Kingsmead are coming under the spotlight now residents have had their say.

Kingsmead Youth Action Group delivered questionnaires to every household in October last year in a bid to find out what residents thought about the estate and how to keep youngsters busy.

The group, made up of residents, members of Kingsmead Residents' Association, community wardens and youth workers, sent out about 2,500 questionnaires but only got 76 back.

These are now being looked at by bodies which could offer help.

Davenham parish councillor Chris Colclough, a member of the action group, said: "Our first remit was to find out what the perceived problems and issues are.

"Once we got the feedback from residents we've been passing it to various relevant bodies for them to consider and see if they can do anything."

Davenham Parish Council will discuss the results at its next meeting, at Kingsmead Primary School on June 30.