THE royal line-up for this year's Davenham Carnival has been announced.

Children flocked to the village branch of the Royal British Legion for the choosing and 14-year-old Megan Hodgson was given the coveted title of Davenham Carnival Queen.

She will be joined on her big day by six-year-old Lauren Buckley as fairy queen, 10-year-old Penny Critchley as princess, six-year-old Charlotte Sellers as fairy princess, 12-year-old Gaby Hodgson as lady in waiting and seven-year-old Sophie Beckingham as rosebud.

The carnival itself will take place on June 21 and there are still places available for boys and girls to join the retinue.

Diana Scott, carnival committee member, said: "We would love a few more retinue members.

"Dresses, tiaras and bouquets will be provided - girls would not have any expense.

"Boys are also welcome."

Retinue members would need to attend a few practices just before the carnival.

For more information ring Diana on 01606 43241 or Annelise on 01606 49110.

For information about stalls on the field ring Karen on 01606 49660.