VAN drivers are being urged to park more considerately in Moulton.

Parish councillors are looking more closely at an area of garages and parking spaces at the back of Regent Street after complaints about vans being left there.

Clr Gary Fox said: "The only complaint I've come across is not the fact that they're there but the way that they're parked."

He said residents who park in the garages are struggling to get their cars out because of bigger vehicles parked in the way and asked the council for its thoughts on what could be done and whether vans should be permitted.

Clr Jo Kershaw said: "People may live in houses where there's no off-road parking but they need a van for their business.

"It's much better taking them off the roads."

She added: "It may just be a matter of us using the space more efficiently and I certainly think it's far better that they're there than on the streets at any time of night or day."

Councillors said they had counted about a dozen vans parking on the space on occasion and were worried that it could turn into a lorry park.

Clr Arthur Wood said: "If we have large commercial vehicles parking there we could face the problem of it becoming a quagmire.

"The ground is not constructed well enough to take heavy vehicles."

Clr Mark Green said: "I take a utilitarian view of the land - it can be used to remove problems from the rest of the village.

"I think we should leave polite notes asking drivers to park sensibly and look at this further.

"There's a big space and we can use it better but we have to do it properly because if we do it piecemeal we could make a much bigger problem for ourselves."