DISABLED access could be improved at a Moulton church if a parking problem is solved.

A dropped kerb in Church Street, by the entrance to St Stephen's Church, is frequently blocked by cars.

Church member Bill Allen, who uses either a wheelchair or an electric scooter, said: "Getting into the church itself is fine because there's a nice wooden ramp that someone has made.

"The problem is getting up on to the pavement if someone blocks that particular bit, which they nearly always do."

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) contacted Moulton Parish Council to see if something could be done, like painting road markings to highlight the dropped kerb to motorists.

The parish council has contacted Cheshire County Council about the issue.

Parish clerk Elaine Beech said: "There is a dropped kerb but nothing that says a car can't park there apart from the logic that a dropped kerb is there for a reason.

"I've asked the county council if there's anything they can do to alert drivers to the fact that there's a dropped kerb."

Bill said: "It's amazing when you use a scooter because you find the little things that don't allow you to go where you want."