A FASCINATING book capturing the history of the Leftwich family has been presented to a school by American descendants.

Howard and Christine Thurman gave a copy of Leftwich Family of the Hall and Their Ancestors for 21 Generations to the County High School in Leftwich.

The book follows years of painstaking research and chronicles the origins of this Cheshire family.

The couple from Ohio, who are themselves descendants, were visiting Northwich as representatives of the Leftwich Historical Association.

They were able to see a marble plaque commemorating Old Leftwich Hall which was originally located on Leftwich Green and demolished in the late 1700s.

The Academy had proudly accepted the Association’s invitation to be the custodian of this marker which, alongside the gift of Charles Russel McDaniel senior’s authoritative and informative text, will enable students, families and staff to gain an insight into their own history.

Principal Julie Brandreth said: “ The UK’s special relationship with the USA is a regular feature of national discourse.

"This gift and the commemorative plaque evidence an indisputably special relationship with the Association.

"Through that forum the identity of many families across the USA is engendering a meaningful attachment to and keen interest in this locality and its community.

"These gifts can only enhance our students’ awareness of their own history as they appreciate the thoughtful interest of friends from so far away.”

Derek Whitfield, who used to run the Family History Society of Cheshire, was instrumental in helping American descendants of the Leftwich family trace their roots.

Mr Whitfield, from Holmes Chapel, said: "The original settler was Ralph Leftwich who left in 1658 and lived in Virginia.

"No one really knows why he left but he was granted many acres of land in the swamps. His descendants are now spread all over America.

"I have done quite a bit of research for them. It was the start of a very long and fruitful relationship.

"I have met many members of the Leftwich family. They came over here and I have visited them in America. Most years they have a reunion."