THE Cuddington and Sandiway Village Gala is seeking a new chairman.

Lee Jones has led the team since 2012, but will soon be stepping-down from the role of chairman.

The team is made-up of an honorary treasurer and representatives from the school PTAs and several village organisations.

They meet once per month in Cuddington and Sandiway Village Hall (except August), usually for about one-and-half hours.

A spokesman said: “The Cuddington and Sandiway Village Gala has grown year-on-year since 2010 when the current Team of volunteers took on the task of organising it, and has become something which residents talk about with a sense of anticipation and expectation in the weeks leading-up to the event.

“Would you like the opportunity to learn a few new skills while organising a much-loved village event, and to work with the wonderful Gala Team to deliver the 2018 Gala?

“If so, then the role of Gala Team chair is for you.”

The new chairman will take charge of the Gala Team at its Annual General Meeting in the Village Hall on Tuesday, October 10, from 7.30pm.

If you are interested by this wonderful opportunity, or would like to know more about what the role involves, email or send a message via the Gala Facebook page.