A WINSFORD charity will hold an open-air screening of The Lego Movie this May.

The NeuroMuscular Centre at Woodford Lane West, Winsford, CW7 4EH, will host the screening of the award-winning animated movie on Wednesday, May 27.

There will also be entertainment for children and stands to buy burgers, hotdogs, popcorn and ice cream before watching the movie. Activities will being from 4.30pm with the film starting at 5.30pm.

In the event of poor weather, the open-air cinema will not be cancelled as the screen is fully waterproof.

Viewers can bring their own food, chairs and rugs as no seating is available, though alcohol and barbeques are strictly prohibited.

Adult tickets are £7, children (under 16) £4 and a family ticket is £20.

For more information or to buy tickets for this event visit nmcentre.com or call the Fundraising office on 01606 861733.