WHILE I applaud the efforts of CHAIN and SID the anti-incinerator groups, I fear that their campaign will ultimately fail. There are two main reasons for this, money and Government.

The so-called Urban Village is a prime example. Brunner Mond off-loaded the derelict Wallerscote Works to a developer in the good times, planning permission submitted, refused, appealed and finally passed, as the council couldn’t afford the legal bill to contest it. The same will happen somewhere in Cheshire for the incinerator(s).

Additionally, the Labour party encourage incinerators as part of their climate change mantra, something Alan Lowe omitted from his recent Labour party propaganda letter to the Guardian. So no help there then.

The Government will benefit tremendously fiscally from any incinerator project as it will create jobs and income tax and national insurance. The hundreds of lorries that bring the waste will need fuel, so fuel duty applies, road tax, insurance tax, etc.

However, if these plants are built, the fall-out, physically and politically will not be felt in Northwich but elsewhere. Ironically, with the prevailing wind, the chances of any nasties falling in an area from Stoke northwards taking in Macclesfield, Bowden, Wilmslow and Alderley Edge is great.

Now I don’t know where the top executives in Brunner Mond live but I would hazard a guess it isn’t Rudheath, Lostock or Middlewich, more likely south Manchester unless they have moved to the Wirral or other parts west of the problem.

I wish CHAIN and SID well and would suggest they campaign in the posh suburbs in South Manchester as I’m sure the prospect of an incinerator to the west of them is not a prospect they will savour.