UK can secure 10-year Free Trade Association via the World Trade Organisation, if parliament votes no deal.

The UK would then have up to 10-years to negotiate a Canada type WTO free trade agreement with the EU.

Neither members of parliament, nor members of the public are being told this, as senior MPs in Government appear to prefer to circumvent democracy and are trying to stop both no deal via WTO and Brexit, in collusion with the EU Commission.

What people don’t know, and what MP’s don’t want us to know about is this:

WTO Article 24 says that the UK will be able to trade with the EU on the same trade terms as they are now, for up to 10 years.

WTO Article 24 would mean no more ‘freedom of movement’, no more ‘ECJ’ and no more ‘EU budget contributions’.

We can do what we want, talk to whoever we want, trade with whoever we want. Everything we ever wanted.

No deal = WTO deal. No problem.

Why are these politicians making such a meal of it? A WTO deal will have the EU begging us to deal, on our terms (on their knees).

That’s why we are being overwhelmed with fake news – it will pay them massively to overturn Brexit, and keep us locked into their cells.

Chris Watkin
