On Saturday, November 3 my family and I attended the firework display at Barton Stadium, Winsford, and had a great time.

This is the first year that my son has wanted to watch the fireworks, as in the past he has been afraid of the loud bangs. He enjoyed it so much that we decided to attend the firework display at Cuddington Primary School on November 5 as well.

I would just like to say ‘wow’ to all who helped at this event, thank you so much. For a small village school they had some big ideas and managed to pull them all off. We sampled the hot food, drank the luxury hot chocolate as well as treating the kids to some glow sticks to take home. The fireworks were definitely the best I have ever seen, and this was echoed all around us as every firework took to the sky was followed by a “wow” or an “oh”. Whoever said that community spirit doesn’t exist hasn’t been to Cuddington Primary School. This school has a PTA to be proud of and the whole community was welcomed into the event.

Thank you once again for a memorable Bonfire Night, and we will definitely see you again next year.

T WINTER Winsford