GIRLS from Cheshire Gymnastics in Northwich can reflect with pride on how they performed at the North West Regional Grades. 

Imogen Evetts demonstrated her fighting spirit to classify eighth overall, and third among the Cheshire and Merseyside entries, at grade four during a competition at Robin Park Tennis Centre in Wigan. 

Her score on uneven bars was fourth highest in the field, while she was fifth too on floor exercise, and she passed with distinction. 

Every gymnast showcased a routine on all four regular pieces of apparatus as well as a range and conditioning exercise to test strength and flexibility. 

A new format saw three county competitions take place at the same time with scores counting towards the regional standings. 

Cheshire Gymnastics were represented too at the North West Club Grades the previous week. 

Kathryn Elliott-Nielsen and Florence Harte were able to celebrate a double success after matching each other’s total to share both the regional and county prizes at grade six (in age). 

Felicity Roberts and Bonnie-Leigh Herd also passed with distinction in the same category.  

Hattie Hartley and Kathryn Higgins completed the club’s contingent when they were awarded distinctions by the judges at grade six (out of age). 

“To see every Cheshire gymnast perform how they did was amazing,” said coach Christina Duckers. 

“I’m proud of them all.”