Lach Dennis WI by Joan Faragher

President Joy Hoad welcomed everyone to this year’s A.G.M and monthly meeting of Lach Dennis WI. She gave a full report of the numerous activities and speakers that had been enjoyed throughout the year. Members had attended various celebrations to mark the 100th anniversary of the WI. Pauline Little was Lach Dennis WI’s representative at the Buckingham Palace Garden Party and gave a report about her wonderful day. ‘Cockney Carol’ from Winsford, had entertained with an evening of song. Susan Buckley gave a presentation of aromatherapy. Byley WI visited and enjoyed a buffet meal and entertainment by Jean Finney.

The President and two committee members were willing to serve for the coming year. The Treasurer Joan Reid resigned and her valuable service was acknowledged by the President and members. Penny Suckling has assumed that office.

Refreshments were then provided by the committee and the evening concluded with a craft activity, making greetings cards, led by Jackie Walker.

The next meeting will be held on Monday, December 14 at 7 pm when members will gather at The Watermead for a festive meal.