Whitegate WI by Alison Gardner

This month’s meeting of the Whitegate WI began with a delicious pie, peas and chips supper followed by tasty desserts provided by committee members. This was followed by the AGM where the new committee was appointed, to be led for a second year by Margaret Baldini as President.

Reports were read with a summary of the past year’s activities. Regular groups that meet include: craft workshops, a book club, walking group, garden club, quarterly lunch group, Soup & Sandwich lunches, Village Show steering group, bowling team, darts team and Cheshire Show entry team.

Membership at Whitegate WI has been rising steadily over the last few years, which is very encouraging in this Centenary year of the WI movement. The WI is a great place to make new friends, enjoy talks and demonstrations and learn new skills.

Membership also includes access to local Group meetings, activities run by the County Federation and a wide variety of courses run at the WI’s own residential College, Denman, in Oxfordshire.

There is an exciting programme of talks and demonstrations arranged for the coming year at the monthly meetings in the Recreation Room. The first meeting of 2016, on Wednesday 6 January at 7.30pm, will be a talk entitled Herbs for Wellbeing where there will be a selection of samples to illustrate the presentation. Visitors and new members are very welcome.

For more details visit whitegatewi.weebly.com or contact Alison on 01606 888359.