THE Winsford branch of the Royal British Legion will be holding a Festival of Remembrance on Saturday, November 3 at Winsford Lifestyle Centre.

Featuring entertainment from the Roberts Bakery Band and Winsford Academy choir, Imperial, the event will pay homage to the men and women who have fallen in the line of duty.

The mayor of Winsford, Clr Steve Smith will also be attending, with Maj Gen K Skempton CBE as the guest of honour.

Members of the Navy, Army and Air Force Cadets will take their place at the front of the ceremony, joined by serving members of the emergency services and Winsford’s scouts and guides.

Malcolm Moran, events officer for the Winsford branch, said: “We want to remember all those who have fallen in the line of duty in both world wars, the Falklands, Iraq and Afghanistan.

“It’s about coming together and remembering what bravery those men and women have shown and helping those who were lucky enough to return home.”

The Festival starts at 7.30pm with tickets costing £10 each.

All proceeds will go to the 2012 Royal British Legion Poppy Appeal.

For more information, or for tickets, call Malcolm Moran on 07812033539, or Geoff Beetham on 07809201856.

Tickets are also available from the Royal British Legion Museum at Fountain Square.