SCHOOLCHILDREN have been boxing, fencing and cheerleading as part of an exercise-packed week of activities.

Victoria Road Primary School in Northwich held its ‘sports week’ before half term, encouraging pupils to try something new.

Unfortunately, torrential rain put a stop to sports day itself, giving the children something to look forward to when they come back after the holidays.

Kimberley Clarke, deputy head teacher and PE lead, said: “We wanted to allow the children to see that there is a sport for everyone. During the week the children took part in a variety of activities.

“We were disappointed to have to postpone our sports day due to the weather however we are excited to hold this after half term.

“A great week was had by all and there was a lovely buzz around school and on the playground.

“A huge thank you to all the sports companies that supported the school during the week.”

Northwich Guardian: The school welcomed Scoot Fit on MondayThe school welcomed Scoot Fit on Monday (Image: Supplied)

Sports week began on Monday (May 20) with the theme of ‘Try Something New’.

With that in mind, the school welcomed Scoot Fit, a nationwide company which promotes fitness through scooting.

Children were able to enjoy zooming around the playground to music before playing a game of scoot football.

It was the turn of the staff on Tuesday, with teachers taking part in a spin bike challenge.

From 8.30am to 3.30pm staff took turns to keep the bike spinning, raising £180 in the process to help fund a theatre experience for the pupils.

Elsewhere during the week, children were treated to a boxing exercise session led by the team from Superbox and also took part in yoga sessions and cheerleading.

The week ended with a visit from Sports Coaching Group, who showed pupils a range of sports including curling and fencing.

Northwich Guardian: Head of school Sue Minor and deputy head teacher Kimberley ClarkeHead of school Sue Minor and deputy head teacher Kimberley Clarke (Image: Supplied)