MIKE Amesbury has welcomed the announcement of the next General Election.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has confirmed that the nation will head to the polls on July 4.

Despite Labour being heavy favourites, according to the polls, Mr Amesbury, currently the MP for Weaver Vale, isn’t letting himself get carried away.

He said: “The date took many by surprise but as far as I’m concerned, and certainly residents and constituents, it’s a welcome surprise. We’ve had a zombie Government for far too long now.

“The polls are good for the Labour Party but the real poll that counts is on election day. I’m long enough in the tooth to remember Labour seemingly doing well in opinion polls in the past – 1992 comes to mind – to realise no vote should be taken for granted.

“We need to work to convince everyone that the only way to get change, the only way to get the hope and renewal we all need, is to go along and vote Labour.”

ALSO READ: Predicted General Election results for Cheshire according to latest polls

Northwich Guardian: Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next General Election will take place on July 4Prime Minister Rishi Sunak announced the next General Election will take place on July 4 (Image: PA)

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Most parliamentary constituencies will have new boundaries at the next general election following a review in 2023.

Mr Amesbury will compete for the newly created Runcorn and Helsby seat.

Meanwhile, Northwich, which was part of his Weaver Vale constituency, will now largely come under Mid Cheshire.

Mr Amesbury says he will be sad to say goodbye to Northwich, but has lent his support to Labour Party candidate Andrew Cooper.

“While it’s quite exciting for me as a Labour politician to potentially go from the opposition benches to the Government benches, it’s also an emotional time because I’m leaving my former patch for pastures new because of parliamentary boundary changes beyond my control,” Mr Amesbury said.

“I have thoroughly enjoyed representing Northwich and surrounding communities over the last seven years. I’ve always done my best to put constituents first, regardless of political affiliations, reflected in a large post bag.

“With Andrew Cooper as Labour’s parliamentary candidate for Mid Cheshire, you have someone embedded in the community, someone I have worked closely with.

"I’m confident if people do elect Andrew to be the first Labour MP for Mid Cheshire, Northwich will go from strength to strength.”