PLANS for a new mural at Cuddington railway station celebrating young peoples’ most cherished village spots have been given the green light. 

Youngsters at Cuddington and Sandiway Youth Club (CSYC) will start by collating photos taken by themselves and other local schoolchildren, as part of their project called Putting us on the map.

The photos will then be simplified into drawings which will form the backbone of a mosaic, made with the help of local artist, Jan Johnson.   

When the mosaic is finished in 2025, it will be presented to Cuddington railways station as a gift.

Northwich Guardian: Once completed, Cuddington railway station will receive the mural as a giftOnce completed, Cuddington railway station will receive the mural as a gift (Image: Newsquest)

CSYC was successfully relaunched three years ago after a successful crowdfunding campaign, and has been providing fun and inspiring activities for young people, and volunteering opportunities for adults, ever since.

CSYC chairman, Stephen Chivers, said: “We want this project to give something back to our young people, maybe helping them find something they love to do as a hobby, or even as a career.

“We hope it will inspire them to use their creative muscles to relax, do things together, and enjoy life.”

The mural project is supported by grants from Cheshire West Voluntary Action, Cuddington and Sandiway Parish Council, and Northwich Rotary.  

Friends of Cuddington Station group member, Val Godfrey, said “We want our station to be an attractive place where everyone, both young and old, can set off on exciting railway journeys.

“We have been talking about this project for a while, and it really is great to see it getting off the ground.”