WINSFORD Town Council has chosen a new mayor. 

Cllr Wayne Fletcher is a newcomer to local politics, having been elected to the town council in 2023 as a member of the Salt of the Earth independents group. 

Luton-born Wayne moved to Winsford 10 years ago to be closer to his partner's family after their son was born, and his own family have also since moved to the area. 

Cllr Fletcher was sworn in at formal ceremony in the council chamber at Wyvern House on Monday, May 20, attended by fellow councillors, council staff, residents, friends, and family. 

Northwich Guardian: Winsford town mayor, Wayne Fletcher (right), with this year's junior mayor, Nevaeh RustageWinsford town mayor, Wayne Fletcher (right), with this year's junior mayor, Nevaeh Rustage (Image: Sheree Quinn)

He will be supported in the role by new deputy town mayor, Cllr Luke Daniels, and the new junior mayor, Nevaeh Rustage, who is a pupil in year five at Winsford High Street Primary.

The 41-year-old said: “As a council, we have the power to achieve great things for this town, and at the end of the day, that’s all we’re here to do.

“I’m one of those people who moan about things, but when I moan, I also want to do something about it.

Northwich Guardian: (L to R): Town mace-bearer, Matthew Taylor; deputy town mayor, Luke Daniels; junior mayor, Neveah Rustage; Winsford town mayor, Wayne Fletcher; town mace-bearer, Colin Blakeley(L to R): Town mace-bearer, Matthew Taylor; deputy town mayor, Luke Daniels; junior mayor, Neveah Rustage; Winsford town mayor, Wayne Fletcher; town mace-bearer, Colin Blakeley (Image: Sheree Quinn)

“I’d like to get rid of the party politics. It doesn’t need to be about that. We should all just be one big team.

"I’ve only lived in Winsford for about 10 years, but I’ve really tried to integrate myself into the community, and its now as much my home as anywhere else. 

“That’s why I want to make the best of it, and I want it to be an amazing place for my son to grow up.

Northwich Guardian: Out-going mayor, Cllr Ernie Welch (left) and out-going junior mayor, Lily Atkin, presenting checks for St Luke's Hospice Out-going mayor, Cllr Ernie Welch (left) and out-going junior mayor, Lily Atkin, presenting checks for St Luke's Hospice (Image: Sheree Quinn)

“The thing I’m most excited about is getting to know about everything which goes on in town.

“In my first year on the council, I’ve found out so much I didn’t know. I’d never heard of Winsford Decides, or The GGO, to name just two. 

“It’s been amazing to find out everything going on in this community. There’s still so much more to discover."

Wayne’s appointment means the end of Cllr Ernie Welch’s time as town mayor, who described his tenure as ‘a great honour’.  

Cllr Welch said: “It was an enormous privilege to be asked to represent the town I love. It’s given me memories I’ll cherish to the end of my days.

“I’ve tried my best to keep things down to earth and to focus on the town’s best interests, and to keep party politics out of it.

“I’ve was wonderfully supported by my junior mayor, Lily Atkin, who’s a real character, as well as deputy mayor, Cllr Martin Beveridge.

“I’m especially pleased to have raised £6,000 for my nominated charity, St Luke’s Hospice, and hats off to Lily, who raised more than £300 for them too.”