POLICE have warned parents in Winsford after bricks were thrown at moving cars from the town's overpasses. 

Officers from the Winsford and Northwich beat teams issued the warning about what they call 'very dangerous behaviour' at around 2pm on Tuesday, May 21.

The warning suggests it has been going on now for a week or more. 

While the incidents are believed to be isolated, police are encouraging parents to talk to their kids about the ‘serious consequences’ these sorts of actions can have. 

A Cheshire Police spokesman said: “Over the past week or so, we have received some reports of bricks or stones being thrown from over-bridges at passing vehicles in the Winsford area.

“Although these type of incidents are isolated currently, this behaviour is very dangerous to road users.

“We would like parents and carers to talk to their children and explain why this behaviour could have serious consequences.”