NORTHWICH was named best town in the UK for developing people their skills and scooped a £15,000 grant into the bargain.

Judges at the Let’s Celebrate Towns Awards 2024, held at the House of Lords in Westminster, put Northwich top of the pile for its ‘partnership approach’, where agencies work together to give residents access to employment training and skills.

Organisers drew special attention to Cheshire West and Chester Council’s (CWAC) business growth team, and the Northwich Business Improvement District (BID), which help local businesses develop a range of practical skills.

They also championed CWAC’s employment and skills, Work Zones, School Hubs staff, and its partnerships with national agencies like Job Centre Plus and the NHS.

Northwich Guardian: Northwich was one of eight towns selected by judges, in four categories: business environment; people and skills; infrastructure; and sustainability Northwich was one of eight towns selected by judges, in four categories: business environment; people and skills; infrastructure; and sustainability (Image: CWAC)

The £15,000 is earmarked for a community project or initiative, and comes with mentoring for council staff who support Northwich people and businesses in an ever-changing commercial environment.

CWAC cabinet member for inclusive economy, regeneration, and digital transformation, Cllr Nathan Pardoe, said: “I’d like to congratulate the council’s skills and employment and business growth teams, and our partners across Northwich, on winning at the Let’s Celebrate Towns awards.

“This highlights the expertise and dedication of council staff and partners in helping our residents develop their skills and realise their potential.

“This helps them get into good quality jobs, and support businesses in developing their workforce, helping them to grow.

“Through various courses, programmes, sessions, and in providing advice and guidance, we’re proud the teams help people and businesses overcome barriers they face, helping them secure good quality jobs."

CWAC has committed to working with businesses and local stakeholders to decide how the prize money is spent.

One idea is a community project for the town centre based around play and encouraging social interactions, meaning visitors will spend more time when they visit.

Cllr Pardoe added: “This is part of the council’s vision for an inclusive economy, helping everyone to contribute and benefit, ensuring no one is left behind.”