A FORMER industrial building in Macclesfield looks set to be bulldozed and replaced by affordable homes.

Peaks and Plains Housing Trust wants to demolish the former Hangar Seven building on George Street and build six three-bed townhouses and six one-bed apartments on the site.

The applicant says it is not possible to convert the dilapidated building, which dates back to the 1920s when it was a chemical works.

Most recently it was used by Hangar Seven as a video production and photographic studio, but has been vacant for at least five years.

A design and access statement, submitted to Cheshire East Council by Buttress Architects on behalf of the applicant, states: “Peaks and Plains purchased the vacant George Street warehouse building as part of their ongoing vision of creating a vibrant, lively residential community within the Sunderland Street Corridor…

“The proposal consists of two key elements, the walk-up apartments and the townhouses.”

The report says a full heritage assessment has been undertaken and ‘it is considered that the public benefit of 12 new, affordable homes for Macclesfield outweighs the less than substantial harm caused by the loss of the non-designated former chemical works’.

It adds: “The proposed new build has been carefully designed to minimise and mitigate potential harm to George Street Mill and the other nearby heritage assets.

“It is considered an enhancement to George Street and Pickford Street, both as a high quality design and as a new intervention that will create a more lively street scene and support the town’s wider regeneration.”

At the time of writing, one letter has been sent to the council from a resident raising concerns about lack of parking.

The proposed development offers 100 per cent parking provision for the houses but 33 per cent – two spaces -  for the apartments.

The resident states: “Where are the current residents of George Street supposed to park their vehicles?

“You're only providing 30 per cent parking to a new building, around a street that already has terrible resident parking as it is.”

The application, number 24/0577M, can be viewed on the planning portal on Cheshire East Council’s website.

The closing date for comments is March 27 and the application is due to be determined by a planning officer under delegated authority.