ONE of Cheshire's most established employers looks set to expand and create more jobs.

Mornflake, which exports its breakfast oats products to more than 70 countries, wants to extend an existing warehouse on Third Avenue to provide additional storage and loading facilities.

The family-owned company, which employs about 300 workers, can trace its history in South Cheshire back to 1675 and has operated its mill on Gresty Road since 1943.

Northwich Guardian: The meeting will take place at Crewe Municipal BuildingsThe meeting will take place at Crewe Municipal Buildings (Image: Belinda Ryan, LDRS)

The application has been recommended for approval by the council’s planners and will be considered by the southern planning committee on Wednesday (March 6).

In a report due to go to the meeting, the case officer states: “This proposal would result in economic benefits in the form of creating 10 additional new jobs, investment in Crewe by a strategic employer, the redevelopment of an underused site within a sustainable location and further economic benefits during construction from employment and spending power from future employees.”

The proposal seeks extensions totalling 9,355sqm gross internal floor space.

Access will be off Third and Fourth Avenue and car parking spaces will increase from 15 spaces to 83.

There will also be an additional 40 covered cycle parking bays.

The report states that, at 33m, the ridge height of the building would be taller than immediate neighbouring structures.

But it adds: “Given the presence of buildings of similar heights and the context in the existing industrial area, it is not considered that the proposed height increase would be significantly out of character.”

A report from the highways officer says the impact upon the roads is considered acceptable.

There have no objections to the scheme and one letter of support, stating this level of investment will benefit the industrial estate significantly.

The application has been recommended for approval, subject to conditions.

The meeting takes place at 10am on Wednesday, March 6, at Crewe Municipal Buildings.