POLICE have shared details of their investigation into a sexual offender from Hartford.

Ryan Beaumont was sentenced to three years in prison at Chester Crown Court on Friday (February 23).

It comes after the 38-year-old, of Homewood Crescent, admitted to a string of 21 offences including upskirting, voyeurism and taking and possessing indecent images of children.

Following the sentencing, DC Victoria Hazlewood said: “Beaumont’s behaviour was an extreme and distressing example of invading people’s privacy, not only filming up skirts, but even hiding cameras in his own home in an attempt to capture indecent footage of his guests.

“Beaumont thought his offending was going unnoticed, however one of his victims became suspicious of his behaviour while he was working as a mechanic and reported it to police.

“When we examined his electronic devices, we discovered various videos and thanks to the strength of this evidence, he was left with no choice but to admit his offending.

“I hope the sentence handed to Beaumont today will provide some reassurance to his victims who have shown immense bravery throughout this investigation.”

READ MORE: 'It sickens me' - Man jailed for secretly filming women and young children

Northwich Guardian: Ryan BeaumontRyan Beaumont (Image: Cheshire Police)

Beaumont’s offences were first brought to Cheshire Police’s attention in June 2021 after he was reported for upskirting a woman while working as a mobile mechanic.

He was arrested and his electronic devices seized, revealing hundreds of videos and photographs of both his victims and others found online.

In police interviews, Beaumont admitted to hiding cameras in the spare room and in a sponge in the bathroom of his former home in Deeside to capture people getting changed and using the toilet.

He told officers he got an adrenaline rush from obtaining footage without the victim’s knowledge and would keep his phone on record at all times and film whenever he saw an opportunity.

In total he was charged with seven counts of taking indecent images of children, two counts of possessing images of children, eight counts of voyeurism and four counts of upskirting.

On top of his custodial sentence, of which he will only have to serve half before being released on licence, Beaumont is subject to an indefinite sexual harm prevention order and will be on the sex offenders register for life.

He is also banned from working with children and banned from owning a mobile phone with a camera. 

Sentencing, Judge Simon Berkson called Beaumont's offending an 'appalling breach of trust'.

He added: “This has been a long and painstaking investigation by the officer. She had to identify victims and notify them that they themselves or their children have been victims of sexual offences committed by you.

“No person should blame themselves for your offending. It can only be hoped that the victims can get on with their lives. Prison is the only appropriate sentence.”