A WINSFORD man who nearly drove his love triangle rival to suicide with 'chilling' death threats and violent messages has been jailed.

Morgan Brown, of Oaks Close, was so jealous of his partner’s lover he embarked on a nine-month harassment campaign of phone calls, WhatsApp messages, and voice notes between September 2021 and May 2022.

On one occasion, after seeing his victim going into a Travelodge in Chester, Brown told him he knew where he was, that he was outside, and he was going to stab him. 

He said he'd already tried to get into the hotel, but had been stopped by staff. 

The 25-year-old told him ‘I’ve been arrested for stabbing people like you’, that he’d ‘make sure you were stabbed by a lot of people’, and he’d ‘jump all over his face when he caught up with him'.

Brown also said he’d make sure the victim 'never saw his little kids again' because 'he was getting shanked’, and would be ‘underground’.

He also threatened to post a naked picture of him online, taken from his girlfriend's phone, saying he was ‘a dirty little sick twisted n***e’, adding he’d ‘never leave him alone’.

The victim eventually called the police, admitting he'd considered jumping off a bridge into the River Dee in Chester city centre as he couldn't cope anymore.

Brown was arrested on November 6, 2022, when he gave a no comment interview.

Police charged him with harassment putting people in fear of violence, which he denied despite nine months’ worth of accumulated evidence on the victim’s phone.

He changed his plea to guilty on December 4, 2023, the day he was due to stand trial.

Brown appeared at Chester Crown Court for sentencing on Friday, February 2.

Prosecuting, Anna Price played police bodycam footage of the voice notes Brown left on his victim’s phone.

She also said he’d sent messages from numbers other than his own, suggesting a degree of sophistication and planning to the offence.

Miss Price told the court Brown has 11 convictions for 12 offences, including battery, racial abuse, using a public communication system for sending threatening messages, voyeurism, and public order offences.

He also served an 18-week prison sentence for assault causing actual bodily harm in 2020.

Defending, Sarah Badrawy said Brown is 25, but ‘presents much younger than that’.

She told the court he’s had ‘a very difficult upbringing’, adding: “His severely impaired cognitive functions, all taken together, affect how he responds to conflict.

“He now understands how this gives him a tendency towards offending.

“This has sometimes meant he doesn't try to manage his behaviour, and indeed, his delay in admitting this offence is linked to his cognitive impairment.  

“He has come to court knowing he could be sent to prison immediately, and he is extremely anxious about this.

“A suspended sentence would be both deterrent and punishment, and would also be a much-needed opportunity for rehabilitation via a multi-agency intervention.”

Passing sentence, the recorder, Eric Lamb, said: “You intended to frighten your victim with your chilling messages, and you succeeded. You seem to have a compulsion to demonstrate bravado.

“You are physically, mentally, and emotionally younger than your 25 years. You have recognised this as an accurate description of your situation.

“You have a history of highly relevant previous convictions, as well as breaches, recalls, and committing further offences while under court orders.

“I take the view the need for appropriate punishment can be met only by an immediate custodial sentence.”

Recorder Lamb sentenced Brown to 14 months in prison.

He also issued a restraining order, ordering him not to contact his victim by any means for 10 years.