A MAN who threatened to share his ex's nudes has been sentenced.

Damian Williams, of Dart Walk in Winsford, has been handed a two-year restraining order.

It comes after the 30-year-old threatened to send sexual images of his ex-partner to her friends and family.

Prosecuting, Nicola Parr explained the pair had been together for three years and had two children together before splitting up around August 2022.

Reading a statement from the victim, Ms Parr said during the relationship there were no issues.

However, the victim did note that Williams had an alcohol issue.

Then, following the break-up, he continued to make 'unwarranted' contact with her.

This culminated on June 25, 2023, when he sent her various texts threatening to disclose personal sexual images.

This made the victim feel 'horrible and ashamed', Ms Parr added.

“She felt other people were looking at her. It upset her and she wanted to cry.”

Williams was represented by the duty solicitor, Howard Jones.

Mr Jones explained the defendant had been upset after learning his ex was with a new partner, but did not send any of the images he had threatened to.

He said: “This appears to have been a one-off situation.

“Mr Williams wanted the relationship to continue, obviously it is not going to.

“He hasn’t sent any such images but the serious nature of this case lies in the fact the complainant doesn’t know that.

“He’s ashamed of his behaviour, it’s not something that’s going to happen again.”

Mr Jones asked the judge for leniency, highlighting Williams’ lack of previous convictions and 'prompt' guilty plea.

District judge John McGarva said: “It is a very serious offence.

“I take into account that no images were shared but it’s the threat.”

Judge McGarva handed Williams a community order, which will see him complete an alcohol treatment requirement for six months, a 30-day Building Better Relationships programme and 35 days of rehabilitation activity.

A two-year restraining order was also made, banning Williams from entering a specified road in Winsford and from contacting the victim, save arranging child care.

Alongside this, he must pay a £114 victim surcharge and £120 in costs.