PLANS have been submitted to demolish a fire-ravaged property in Macclesfield and replace it with 10 family homes.

Arsonists torched the existing building on land at 81-83 Beech Lane in September 2020.

Experts say the property, which comprised two large traditional semi-detached dwellings, is in a dangerous state and should be flattened.

Garry Hopkins has applied to Cheshire East Council for outline permission to bulldoze the existing buildings and structures on site and build 10 family houses, with associated access parking, landscaping and infrastructure.

A design and access statement, submitted by Plande Planning Consultants on behalf of the applicant, says: “It is proposed the site could comfortably accommodate five pairs of semi-detached dwellings, providing a total of 10 new family dwelling houses, located within generous plots, which would include associated parking, access and landscaping.”

The proposal is an outline application only to establish the access and principle of development.

A new vehicular and pedestrian access to the site is proposed, which would be taken directly from Beech Lane.

The planning document says the existing property on the site is locally listed.

It continues: “A detailed survey report, undertaken by Northern Structural Services, of the existing condition has been prepared and concludes ‘that this is a dangerous structure and requires demolition as soon as is practical’."

At the time of writing, one Macclesfield resident had emailed the council about the proposal and is in support of it.

The resident said: “The sooner the eyesore is demolished and good use, for example 10 new houses, made of the site the better.”

Cadent Gas has submitted a holding objection while its engineering team reviews the available information.

The application, number 24/0010M, can be viewed on the planning portal on the Cheshire East Council website.

The last date for submitting comments is February 14 and the application is due to be determined under delegated authority.