AN inquest has been opened into the death in Leighton Hospital of a man from Barnton.

Selwyn Martin died at the Middlewich Road site on September 6, aged 77.

An inquest into his death was opened at Warrington Coroner’s Court on Wednesday, with some brief circumstances given.

The court heard that he was receiving care from nurses at his home address, including regular catheter changes.

On September 3 however, he attended Leighton Hospital with a fever and features of an infection.

His condition deteriorated and he died in hospital, with concerns raised the infection he presented with may have been linked to catheter insertion.

The reason for the inquest was given in court as a ‘potential unnatural death’.

It was requested by the coroner officer that an inquest be opened and adjourned for further work to be completed, with an inquest date listed for May 8.

Victoria Davies, area coroner for Cheshire, said: “On the basis of the circumstances that this is potentially an unnatural death, it is appropriate to formally open the inquest into the death of Selwyn Martin.

“I adjourn the hearing to May 8.”