PLANS have been submitted to build 54 affordable homes in Alsager, six months after a planning inspector upheld the council’s decision to refuse a proposal for 55 on the same site.

Cheshire East’s southern planning committee turned down the application from Westchurch Homes to build on the land off Close Lane in September 2022.

The planning inspector agreed with the council’s decision and dismissed the appeal last summer, concluding: “The proposed development would be significantly deficient in public open space and children’s play.

"Furthermore, some of the family private gardens would be too small, contributing to a cramped form of development.”

Part of the site already has planning permission for residential use.

In 2018, outline permission was granted for 16 homes on land at the back of 68 Close Lane, which forms part of the current application site.

That permission is still extant.

This latest application, which follows the refusal of the 55-home scheme, is for 54 affordable dwellings including access from Close Lane, construction of roads and footways, landscaping and public open space.

The scheme comprises a mix of semi-detached, townhouse and apartments made up of eight one-bedroom apartments, 10 two-bed houses and 36 three-bedroom houses.

A design and access statement, submitted by Richard Lee Project Planning on behalf of Westchurch Homes & Keyworker Homes Ltd, says the new plans show ‘a high-quality residential scheme can be achieved on this site which will enhance the built environment and respect the pattern, character, and form of its surroundings’.

The document states: “The proposal will deliver a housing development comprising 100 per cent affordable units, making an important contribution towards meeting local housing needs…

“It will have a positive economic impact upon the local economy through the supply of goods and services to the construction activity on site.

“It will also deliver additional potential spending power within local shops, food, drink, householder goods, and services.”

The applicants say the new plans take into account feedback on the previously refused planning application and the inspector’s comments in dismissing the subsequent appeal.

The planning document says the scheme has addressed the form of the development and its layout; open space and children’s play provision deficiency; size of private garden areas and provided alternative parking provision.

It continues: “The current application proposal provides 1,711 sqm of combined children's play space/amenity green space which equates to more than 82 per cent of the required level of provision.

“This is significantly greater than the level of provision proposed with the previously refused planning application.

“An onsite LEAP (Locally Equipped Area for Play) will also be provided.”

It adds the remaining shortfall will be addressed by S106 contributions.

The application, number 23/4788C, can be viewed on the planning portal on Cheshire East Council’s website.

The last date for submitting comments is February 8 and, according to the council’s website, the application is due to be considered by the southern planning committee on March 6, although that date could change.