BUILDING work at Leighton Hospital has resulted in some major changes.

The hospital’s Midwifery Led Unit and Maternity Triage will be relocated for as “essential” work takes place on the Labour Suite.

They will be moved to ward 24 from January 4, 2024, for approximately 12 months.

A spokesperson for Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust has reassured patients that this will not impact on any services or facilities available.

“This change will affect all families that need to attend Maternity Triage, the Midwifery Led Unit, aromatherapy clinics and birth prep classes,” they added.

“We apologise for any disruption during this period of building works."

The Midwifery Led Unit and Maternity Triage’s new home on ward 24 can be found on the pink first-floor corridor above the current labour suite.

Signs will be put in place and directions can be provided by calling the department before you arrive.

There are also plans to provide maps, which can be received via email or as a paper copy by contacting your community midwife or antenatal clinic.

Initially, from January 8, the corridor entrance to the labour suite (ward 26) will be closed.

This closure will last for around six to eight weeks.

As such, an alternative entrance has been created to the rear of the maternity department.