A DRUG dealer is set to discover his fate after pleading guilty.

Lewis Ruddle, of Wharton Road in Winsford, has admitted to the possession of 54 grams of cocaine, a class A drug, with intent to supply.

On June 2 this year, the 24-year-old was also found to be in possession of a knuckleduster and a quantity of cannabis, which he also intended to deal.

At Chester Crown Court on Monday (December 5) Julian Farley, defending, accepted that these offences would warrant an immediate custodial sentence.

However, he asked for the case to be adjourned in order for a pre-sentence report to be obtained.

He also explained that they needed to acquire medical evidence of Ruddle’s epilepsy.

Mr Farley said the defendant had been dealing drugs in order to purchase cannabis to use medicinally.

Although Judge Simon Berkson said he 'didn’t get the link', he nevertheless granted the adjournment.

 “You have pleaded guilty today to three serious offences," said Mr Berkson.

“The overwhelming result in these cases is that people go to prison.

“I don’t think you’ve ever been in trouble before, so I think it is sensible to prepare a pre-sentence report and a medical report.

“The report does not need to go into alternatives to custody, the facts rather speak for themselves.”

The sentencing has been scheduled for January 29 at Chester Crown Court.