A NORTHWICH driver has been hit with a suspended sentence after failing to take a breathalyser test.

Lee Woodward, of Chapel Street, was taken to the Middlewich Custody Suite on October 6 where he was required to provide a sample of breath to the police.

The 44-year-old failed to do so and failed to provide a reasonable excuse as to why.

Woodward was charged with failing to provide a specimen for analysis, which he admitted at Chester Magistrates Court on November 27.

Taking his plea into account, the bench sentenced him to eight weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

The court heard the reason for this was due to nature and seriousness of the offence and the fact Woodward has previous convictions for similar offences.

Woodward was ordered to undergo three months of alcohol treatment, six months of mental health treatment, and complete up to 20 days of rehabilitation activity.

Magistrates also banned him from the roads for three years, beginning from the date of his interim disqualification on October 27.

He must also pay costs of £120 and a surcharge of £154.