A NORTHWICH thief who stole steaks and booze has avoided jail despite breaching a court order.

Craig Rodham, of Church Road, was handed a community order earlier this year after he admitted stealing meat from Waitrose, sweets from Quality Save, and alcohol from Lidl and Sainsbury's.

The 34-year-old was also dealt with at Chester Magistrates Court on March 9 for assaulting a woman and criminal damage at one of the supermarkets.

These incidents all took place between November 14, 2022, and March 7 this year.

Rodham, who was also fined and ordered to pay compensation, was required to attend appointments with the Probation Service.

But between September 29 and October 6, he did not attend appointments at the Northwich Probation Office and failed to provide evidence to excuse his absence.

Hauled back before magistrates on November 27, Rodham admitted breaching the court order.

The bench revoked the initial community order and sentenced Rodham to eight weeks in prison, suspended for 12 months.

The court heard a 'more onerous' sentence was required due to the seriousness of the offences, Rodham's previous convictions, a lack of compliance with probation officers. 

Rodham must also participate in the Thinking Skills programme for 22 days and complete up to a maximum of 35 days of rehabilitation activity.