A MAN admitted to threatening his ex-girlfriend with sharing her nude pictures.

Damian Williams, of Dart Walk in Winsford, is awaiting his fate after pleading guilty to threatening to disclose private sexual photographs with the intent of causing distress.

The 30-year-old made the admission at Warrington Magistrates Court on Friday (December 1) and will now be sentenced on January 16, 2024.

Prosecuting, Mr O’Kane explained that Williams’ victim was an ex-partner.

He had sent her a text threatening to share naked photographs of her.

Williams said he was drunk at the time.

Mr Coupe, defending, added that Williams would describe himself as an alcoholic, having been made redundant around two years ago.

He has recent registered himself with Change, Grow, Live in Northwich and has appointment scheduled for December 19.

The judge, Mr Chadwick, adjourned the case until next year in order for a sentencing report to be prepared.

Until such time, Williams is banned from communicating with his ex, her new partner or visiting a specific location in Winsford.