A LEFTWICH woman avoided jailed after drunkenly crashing into a pub wall and attacking the manager when he tried to take her keys.

Claire Lomas, of Belgrave Road, later told probation officers she’d drunk two bottles of wine before driving a friend to the Woodpecker pub on London Road on Friday, October 13.

After pulling into the pub car park, the 47-year-old reversed her black Ford Focus into a brick wall.

The pub’s kitchen manager, Marcin Florek, came outside to see what was happening.

He recognised Lomas, who used to work at the Woodpecker but is now barred, then tried to take her keys with one accidently snapping off in the ignition.

Lomas then assaulted the man by shoving him and slapping him in the chest.

She then called him a ‘f*****g k******d’, adding: “I’ll kill you – I’ll go to prison because of you.”

Police were called and Lomas fled, but she was picked up shortly after, walking along a nearby road.

She was breathalysed and found to have 120 micrograms of alcohol in 100 millilitres of breath, nearly four times the legal driving limit of 35.

Lomas appeared at Chester Magistrates Court for sentencing on Tuesday, November 28, after pleading guilty to one count of drink-driving and one of common assault on October 31.

Prosecuting, Andrew Page said Lomas initially told officers she’d had just two or three cans of cider earlier that day.

He said police found two more bottles of wine in the back of her car, which she’d bought at Tesco Express in Kingsmead before arriving at the Woodpecker.

Mr Page added Lomas has previous convictions for excess alcohol in 1998 and 2003.

She also has convictions for assaulting the same victim, Mr Florek, and resisting a police officer, in September 2022.

Defending, Steven Alis said all Lomas’ offending is all alcohol related, but she has now ‘disassociated herself’ with friends who encourage her to drink.

She hasn’t drunk alcohol since the incident, he added, and has already voluntarily given up driving.

Passing sentence, the chairman of the bench said he was in no doubt Lomas’ offences crossed the custody threshold.

He handed her an eight-month prison sentence, suspended for one year.

She must also complete a six-month mental health treatment requirement and 20 rehabilitation activity days.

She was also banned from driving for 29 months with immediate effect and told to pay Mr Florek £50 compensation.

She was also ordered to pay £120 court costs and £154 victim surcharge.