A THUG has avoided jail despite leaving a man needing to have titanium plates put in his jaw after attacking him in a music venue car park.

Joe Harvey appeared at Chester Crown Court on November 24 to be sentenced after previously pleading guilty to inflicting grievous bodily harm without intent.

The court heard the victim, a 22-year-old man, had been out with friends in Winsford on Friday, April 14.

They arrived at The Hive in Market Place at around 12.30am the following morning where they stayed until closing.

After leaving the venue, the victim walked past the car park between The Hive and nearby pub The Ark as a fight broke out between two groups of people.

While attempting to break up the fight, he was confronted by 21-year-old Harvey, who was caught on CCTV punching his victim in the face once.

The victim was taken to Leighton Hospital that day where an examination revealed fractures to his lower jaw.

He was transferred to Aintree Hospital on April 17 where his injuries were treated by repositioning part of his jaw, held together with four titanium plates. 

At court on November 24, Judge Patrick Thompson sentenced Harvey, of Gladstone Street, Winsford, to 16 months in prison, suspended for two years.

He ordered Harvey to complete 250 hours of unpaid work within 12 months and to pay £2,000 in compensation to his victim.

Judge Thompson also imposed a two-year restraining order, banning Harvey from contacting his victim.