A GENTLE walk is being organised in Northwich Woodlands to help tackle loneliness on Christmas Day.

The Northwich Primary Care Network's social prescribing team have arranged the event to provide good company to those who may find themselves alone on December 25.

The walk is expected to last an hour or two, with mince pies being provided.

Donna Webber, the lead social prescriber, is appealing for those interested in joining on the day to get in touch, whether you might be alone or happy to give up some time to help.

She said: "We know Christmas isn’t the most wonderful time of the year for everyone.

"We want to give people who might ordinarily be on their own for Christmas a chance to spend some time with others, or for anyone who just wants to enjoy some fresh air and exercise for an hour or two."

The group are aiming to meet at Apple Market Place from 11am before heading off on the walk.

Anyone who registers an interest will be contacted to confirm meeting and route details.

Dogs are welcome, with walkers also encouraged to bring a flask of hot drink.

For anyone wanting to join in with the Northwich Woodlands Walk on Christmas Day, please contact donna.webster1@nhs.net or wendy.crow@nhs.net for further information.