A PROTESTER has climbed onto the roof of a council building and set up camp.

The lone demonstrator used a long ladder to scale the Westfields building - Cheshire East Council's headquarters - on Middlewich Road, Sandbach.

The male made his ascent at around 7am this morning, and has made camp on the roof of the reception porch with what looks like a pop-up tent.  

Police and fire crews are at the scene, but Cheshire East Council say the building is still fully accessible.

The protester has taped a large poster to the front of the building.

The content of the poster suggests he believes himself a victim of modern-day slavery. 

It also suggests he bears a grudge against Cheshire East Council and a firm of solicitors.  

A Cheshire Police spokesman said: “Shortly after 7am on Wednesday, October 25, police were made aware of a man on the roof of a building in Middlewich Road, Sandbach.

“Police and fire are in attendance at the scene.”

A spokesman for Cheshire East Council said: “We can confirm that police and fire services remain in attendance at the council’s Westfields building in Middlewich Road, Sandbach, due to a protester occupying the roof of the reception area.

“Access to the public car park next to Westfields is not affected.”