THERE were some fantastic photos shared by members of Guardian Camera Club this week.

Carly Jo Curbishley caught the sunset over Knutsford, Joy Beresford was at Acton Bridge and Heather Wilde saw a tree full of finches.

The Camera Club is a supportive and friendly group of amateur and professional photographers and as well as submitting photos taken recently, members also take part in regular themed challenges like autumn and trees.

You can join 658 others in our camera club on Facebook at

A finch tree by Heather Wilde

A finch tree by Heather Wilde

Are there fairies in the forest at Marbury Park by Alison Hamlin Hughes

Are there fairies in the forest at Marbury Park by Alison Hamlin Hughes

Autumn at Delamere Forest by Tim Spruce

Autumn at Delamere Forest by Tim Spruce

A garden visitor by Donna Maria Long

A garden visitor by Donna Maria Long

Autumn on Whitegate Way by Alan Bailey

Autumn on Whitegate Way by Alan Bailey

Dutton Locks by Imagewich

Dutton Locks by Imagewich

A late night visitor by Andrew Gardner

A late night visitor by Andrew Gardner

Fall funghi at Marbury Park by Imagewich

Fall funghi at Marbury Park by Imagewich

Fly catching at Tatton Park by Paul Wright

Fly catching at Tatton Park by Paul Wright

Ink caps at Marbury Park by Lynne Bentley

Ink caps at Marbury Park by Lynne Bentley

A low flying cormorant by Alan Bailey

A low flying cormorant by Alan Bailey

Little and large at Acton Bridge by Joy Beresford

Little and large at Acton Bridge by Joy Beresford

Steam engines at rest by Andrew Gardner

Steam engines at rest by Andrew Gardner

A moments pause by Russell Dean

A moment's pause by Russell Dean

Sunset over Knutsford by Carly Jo Curbishley

Sunset over Knutsford by Carly Jo Curbishley

Winter is creeping nearer by Donna Maria Long

Winter is creeping nearer by Donna Maria Long