A CIRCUS has been cancelled at the last minute.

Pinder’s Circus was set to arrive at Knights Grange Sports Complex, home of Winsford Cricket Club, next week.

However, the circus claims that Cheshire West and Chester Council pulled the plug on the show after deeming it 'inappropriate'.

A spokesperson for the circus said: “We do apologise to all concerned as we were hoping to bring the all-human family circus to town.

“It's a fantastic production and brought a lot of enjoyment to thousands of families this year.

“Property management at Cheshire West has deemed the circus ‘inappropriate’ and complained to our hosts, the cricket club.

“The cricket club has taken the decision to cancel our visit following the objections placed by the council.”

Pinder’s Circus was due to perform eight shows between Tuesday (September 19) until Sunday (September 24).

However, Winsford Cricket Club, who lease the land from the council, had not got permission from the council to host such an event.

A council spokesperson has stated that the circus was never deemed 'inappropriate', nor was the authority responsible for it being cancelled.

“The council had not been informed about this event and only became aware by posters in Winsford publicising that it was due to take place,” said the spokesperson.

“The cricket club leases the land from the council and the event was arranged by Pinder's Circus through the club.

“The council has not deemed the circus inappropriate, nor did the council prevent this event from taking place."

The spokesperson continued: “Approvals and permissions are required because the council has a legal responsibility regarding public health and safety.

“The council made the cricket club aware of the required assurances, and the club decided not to proceed with the event.

“The council is involved in a number of events, including circuses, that occur throughout the year in the borough and supports organisers to conduct them safely.”

James Tierney, chair of Winsford Cricket Club, admitted the decision to host the circus in the first place was an 'oversight'.

He said: “It was a bit of an oversight from myself to be honest.

“I agreed to let Pinder’s use the cricket field for the circus as our cricket season is over.

“It’s only once the posters were put out that council called to say that we only lease the ground from them and it’s their land.

“I probably should have contacted the council first, but it didn’t cross my mind I just thought a circus could be good for the area.”