WELCOME to Behind the Lens, a feature that shines a light on the talented photographers in our Guardian Camera Club group.

Stacey Jones lives in Winsford but has also lived in Greenwich, Brockley and Sidcup.

She has always been interested in photography but her journey took a professional turn in October last year.

Here, Stacey shares some of her favourite photographs with us.

If you would like to feature in Behind The Lens, email heidi.summerfield@newsquest.co.uk

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Guardian Camera Club member Stacey Jones

Guardian Camera Club member Stacey Jones

When and why did you take up photography?

I decided to take my photography journey to a professional level in October last year, however I've had a keen eye for a fabulous photo for as long as I can remember. I completed a Level 3 in Art and Design in 2018 and really enjoyed taking photographs as references. I'm always taking photos. I must take at least 10 photos wherever I go. I currently have more 33,000 photos just in my normal phone gallery alone. I would like photography to be something I can build a solid career in, yet still enjoy after retiring. I've learnt a lot about myself over the last year and I will not give up or let anything determine my future. Photography will always be a part of my future and I'm extremely excited to see where it takes me.

A colourful bloom captured on Valentines Day

A colourful bloom captured on Valentine's Day

What do you love about taking pictures?

I capture the image in my mind first - it's like a moment for me and my creative mind. Standing still for a few seconds feels like a lifetime frozen in time and it’s a feeling I try and capture in real time. A beautiful, extraordinary and captivating photo makes me happy. It fills me with so much joy. Then, to make it even better, I can share my photographs with others to enjoy. I also enjoy the editing and design element to the photography process.

Nature takes over at The Raven Inn

Nature takes over at The Raven Inn

Where is your favourite place to take pictures and why?

A beach on holiday would probably have to be in my top three places but it’s not so much the places for me, it’s the colours and the feeling I get that attracts me. This is what motivates me. Historically, anywhere with a beautiful landscape and water would be perfect as I love a good water reflection. A place that offers memories is what's most important to me.

Boats in Porthmadog

Boats in Porthmadog


One woman and a dog’s photographic journey in Mid Cheshire

I love to witness the changing seasons and look for the next magical shot

What do you enjoy about being part of our Camera Club on Facebook?

It’s lovely to be in a group of like-minded photographers sharing our images.

Colourful trees in Crewe

Colourful trees in Crewe

What is your favourite subject matter and why?

I love unique patterns and vibrant colours while also having a natural element in my photographs. A photo I took of a multi-coloured rose is probably one of my ultimate favourites to date. There’s a beautiful pattern formed in some of the petals that are out of this world. I also enjoy capturing natural, relaxed images with people especially outdoor photoshoots. I love capturing memories and special moments.

Winsford marina in winter

Winsford marina in winter

If you could photograph anyone/any place/anything, who/what would it be?

It would be a dream come true to photograph Sir David Attenborough as he has so much personality in his facial features without having to speak. I'd love to get creative and take photos of such a legend close up. Even when I listen to him speak, I can visualize every detail. I'd also love to capture galaxies, stars and shooting stars around the moon. I have so many things I'd love to capture but at this stage in my life I'm happy to capture anything I see.