CHESHIRE’S seventh annual primary schools art show has been declared ‘the best yet’.

Entitled Our World, this year’s theme is the environment, and has inspired kids from 25 primary schools to produce 50 pieces reflecting their attitudes to pollution, climate change, and biodiversity.

The show is a collaboration between the schools and Northwich-based community art organisation, Visual Arts Cheshire (VAC).

The exhibition is split accross two sites - Weaver Hall Museum and the Lion Salt Works - and can be viewed throughout July and August.

VAC’s Phil Carswell took the lead on the show, with help from St Bede’s Primary head teacher, Louise Conlon.

Phil said: “You can really see the talent in the work of kids this age.

“We’ve been going this show now for seven years now, and I think this year has been the best yet. There’s a lot of 3D work this time round.

“Some of the ideas behind the pieces are outstanding. The children have really thought about the issues.

“One piece, from Moulton Primary School, is created like a wave, almost like a Hokusai painting, but they’ve used plastic bottle tops to make it.

“They’ve been researching plastic pollution in the sea in class. It’s just wonderful.

“All the schools have been doing projects on the environment, so the title, Our World, encompasses everything that came out of that.   

“Having an exhibition like this is great encouragement for the kids. We’ve had a people’s vote, and a judges vote, and it’s lovely for them when they see people are interested in what they’re doing.”

Northwich Guardian: This Hokusai-inspired wave painting, from Moulton Primary School, explores the theme of pollution using plastic bottle tops This Hokusai-inspired wave painting, from Moulton Primary School, explores the theme of pollution using plastic bottle tops (Image: Phil Carswell)

VAC has several exciting exhibitions in the pipeline at its own gallery at Baron’s Quay.  

These start with works inspired by Marshall’s Arm Nature Reserve, to mark its Silver Jubilee, called ART from the ARM.

Up-to-date information can be found on VAC’s website

Phil added: “The next VAC exhibition is really three shows in one, all based on the local area.

“There a show of pieces inspired by one of local nature reserves, plus local scenes from local artists, and a show of historic postcards of Northwich. All three will be on together in the gallery.”