NORTHWICH’S creative community will spring into action next week to provide a month of hands-on artsy fun for all the family.

Saturday, July 1, sees the start of the annual Northwich Festival of Arts, an exhilarating month-long event celebrating creativity, art, and the very best of local talent.

The event includes a series of 36 free art and craft workshops spread across the month, designed to spark inspiration and foster a love for the arts in Northwich and beyond.

These will include upcycling masterclasses, decoupage mug making, painting with watercolours, printing, hybrid photography, making dream catchers, quilting, and more. 

Workshop places can be book online now via the Visit Northwich website, or you can just turn up on the day, spaces permitting.

The festival also celebrates the return of the Northwich Arts trail, which sees exhibits from the talented artists of Visual Arts Cheshire on display in businesses across the town.   

Adam Gerrard, project manager for Northwich BID, who are funding the workshops, said: “The Northwich Festival of Arts is a month-long celebration of creativity, craft, and art.

“The aim is to stimulate creativity, encourage participation in the arts, and support local artists, businesses and organisations.

“We hope it was serve as a beacon for the artistic community and enrich Northwich’s cultural life, and we invite residents and visitors to the town to immerse themselves in the vibrant arts scene and take part in this exciting festival.

“There are workshop to suit all ages and interests, so make sure you get yourself and your family along to as many as your can.”

As part of the festival, Visual Arts Cheshire will also be holding an exhibition of 100 pieces from 90 Cheshire artists at their gallery in Baron’s Quay.

Festival partner, Phil Bower, who owns Northwich Art Shop on Witton Street, says as well as celebrating creativity, the festival is also a way to get people out and about in the town and having fun.  

Phil said: “The idea is to give people an opportunity to have a go at something they fancy. 

“You don’t need permission to be creative, but sometimes you need something to stimulate and inspire.

“And it’s for all ages too. We have no bar on anybody being involved, and that’s what’s really important.”